Bollards & Accessories

Bollards & Accessories

Our Bollards & Accessories range consists of an unmatched variety of materials, styles, and fitting types to accommodate virtually any application, whether it be upgrading a retail park, public square, or garage forecourt.

Our bollards and accessories offer a blend of three functionalities – safety, demarcation and guidance, and aesthetic. Our security bollards provide direct protection to a space and its inhabitants without compromising on aesthetics. We offer both crash-tested and non-crash-tested versions depending on the level of security required. Parking-bollards help divide shared spaces and can be integrated with LED lighting to offer guidance to drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. Decorative bollards add a creative dimension to a landscape or help to draw out its existing features while providing an additional layer of protection.

With our new range of bollards and accessories, Al Arabia provides a comprehensive solution for creating safe, secure, and aesthetically pleasing spaces.

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